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Our Mission

Lockaby PLLC opened its doors on March 1, 2016, with one guiding principle: service.

To achieve our uncompromising mission, we reject the outdated legal industry custom that a firm must represent either plaintiffs or defendants, employees or employers, individuals or businesses—but not both. We instead take an entrepreneurial approach to the practice of law, all to the benefit of our clients. Our experience representing employers and employees, startups and Fortune 500 companies, and individuals and businesses of all sizes gives us a unique and balanced perspective that allows us to more fully and accurately evaluate each client’s situation, appropriately assess each client’s risks, and provide sound, reasoned, and pragmatic advice.

No matter the client, our focus is the same: to provide vigorous yet transparent representation tailored to resolve each client’s specific problem and achieve each client’s goals as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. In a word, service.