Presented With A Contract? Not Paid Proper Wages? We Can Help.
We help employees review all kinds of employment-related contracts and we help them pursue claims for unpaid wages.
Workplace Contracts
It might be tempting to sign on the dotted line – say, to start your new employment or to get the severance funds. By doing so, however, you could be leaving money on the table, waiving or releasing valuable claims, committing to an unreasonable non-compete provision, or even subjecting yourself to additional taxes on deferred compensation.
We regularly assist employees with the review and negotiation of all manner of employment contracts. Don’t go it alone – call an expert to make sure every aspect of the agreement complies with state and federal law and fully protects you, your rights, and your interests.
Wage – And – Hour Disputes
An employer’s failure to pay its employees proper wages – such as for all time spent working or for overtime hours worked – can have disastrous effects. We represent employees who have been denied the proper payment of wages, and we can help you understand your rights, your legal options, and the legal process.
In fact, we’re one of the few firms in all of Kentucky that have experience prosecuting and defending class-action and collective-action wage claims. Again, don’t go it alone – call an expert to help you and your co-workers get the wages to which you’re entitled.
Schedule A Free Consultation To Get Started
Making the workplace a better place for everyone. It’s not just our motto, it’s what we do. Call our Lexington office at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-2″] or use the secure online form to schedule a free initial consultation.