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Protecting The Rights Of Victims Of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unacceptable. Period. The “Me Too” and “Time’s Up” movements have brought sexual harassment to the forefront, helping make it easier than ever before to stand up, speak up, and stop inappropriate workplace behavior. You’re not alone. We’re here to help.

What Constitutes Illegal Sexual Harassment at Work?

Illegal harassing behavior falls into one of two categories:

  1. Hostile work environment — Harassing behavior and other actions that make it hard for you to do your job effectively, that make you feel demeaned or threatened, and that create an intolerable environment.
  2. Quid pro quo — Harassing behavior from a manager or supervisor that threatens your wages, promotion, or employment if you do not accept the sexual advances or requests.

You may have grounds for a sexual harassment complaint if you have been subjected to lewd and inappropriate behavior, such as sexual innuendo and advances or requests for sexual favors; if you’ve been the target of unwelcome or offensive comments and statements, including explicit jokes, emails, and text messages; or if you’ve been the victim of unsolicited and unprovoked inappropriate physical contact.

Subjected To Sexual Harassment? Here’s How To Respond.

You shouldn’t feel powerless about the harassment you are facing. Many, many others are standing up to harassment, and you can, too. Submit a written complaint to human resources detailing the harassment, request that an investigation be performed, and request that action be taken to remedy the harassment.

Many Kentucky employees need help through this process — that’s where we come in. Call [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] in Lexington today to schedule a free consultation. We can review your sexual harassment claims, explain your legal rights, and assist you at each step along the way.

Contact us at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-2″] or use the confidential, online form to set up an appointment.